560 Area Code

    area code

  • A telephone numbering plan is a type of numbering scheme used in telecommunications to allocate telephone numbers to subscribers and to route telephone calls in a telephone network. A closed numbering plan, such as found in North America, imposes a fixed total length to numbers.
  • A three-digit number that identifies one of the telephone service regions into which the US, Canada, and certain other countries are divided and that is dialed when calling from one area to another
  • a number usually of 3 digits assigned to a telephone area as in the United States and Canada
  • The Chinese Telephone Code Plan is the way to group telephone numbers in the mainland of the People’s Republic of China. Land lines and mobile phones follow different systems: land lines use area codes, while mobile phones do not.


  • * Ceawlin of Wessex becomes King of Wessex (traditional date). * ?thelbert succeeds his father Eormenric as king of Kent (traditional date). * Adda succeeds his brother Glappa as king of Bernicia (traditional date).
    * Aella becomes king of Deira (traditional date).
  • 500 (five hundred) is the natural number following 499 and preceding 501.
  • The 560s decade ran from January 1, 560, to December 31, 569.

560 area code

560 area code – Opteka 500mm

Opteka 500mm / 1000mm f/6.3 Telephoto Mirror Lens for Sony Alpha A900, A850, A700, A100, A200, A300, A350, A230, A330, A380, A450, A500, A550, A290, A390, A560, A580, A33, A55, A55V Digital SLR Cameras
Opteka 500mm / 1000mm f/6.3 Telephoto Mirror Lens for Sony Alpha A900, A850, A700, A100, A200, A300, A350, A230, A330, A380, A450, A500, A550, A290, A390, A560, A580, A33, A55, A55V Digital SLR Cameras
The Opteka mirror lens is incredibly compact and lightweight. Using an advanced reflex design, this is a mirror lens that is ideally suited for wildlife and sports photography. It has a fixed aperture of f6.3. Opteka mirror lenses incorporates advanced computer designed optics and the latest in multi-coating techniques. The process of multi-coating assures virtually flare free photographs even under adverse lighting conditions resulting in crisp high contrast pictures with full color fidelity.

When combined with the T-mount to fit your camera system, this mirror lens mounts to camera and works on both “full frame” cameras as well as the “APS-C” style digital SLR cameras. T-Mounts are available for all the digital SLR systems, as well as for C-mount systems. However, in every case the fixed f/6.3 aperture is not communicated to the camera body. As such, you can use the lens in “M” manual exposure mode or “A” aperture-priority mode only.

This lens has a broad diameter and stocky build, making it a bit easier to handle than a normal refractor lens. It also has a much different rendering of out of focus areas than a normal lens; highlights will be doughnut-shaped rings with more saturation and contrast on the edge of the ring than on the center.

Filter Size: 95mm front, 34mm rear
f/Stop Range: f/6.3 (fixed)
Minimum Focus Distance: 6.6′ (2.0 m)
Angle of View: 4.1° x 2.7° (WxH)
Groups/Elements: 6/7
Length: 4.7″ (120mm)
Maximum Diameter: 3.9″ (98mm)
Weight: 1.55 lbs (705g)

Included Items
~ Opteka 500mm f/6.3 Telephoto Mirror Lens
~ T-Mount Lens Adapter
~ Lens Cap
~ 10 Year Warranty

Ilyushin Il-76TP Firefighting aircraft

Ilyushin Il-76TP Firefighting aircraft
The Il-76 waterbomber is a VAP-2 1.5 hour install/removal tanking kit conversion. The Il-76 can carry up to 13,000 U.S. gallons (49,000 liters) of water; 3.5 times the capacity of the C-130 Hercules. Since this kit can be installed on any Il-76, the designation Il-76TP, Il-76TDP are also used when those versions of the Il-76 are converted into waterbombers. The Il-76P was first unveiled in 1990.
The Ilyushin Il-76 (NATO reporting name: Candid) is a multi-purpose four-engined strategic airlifter designed by Ilyushin design bureau. It was first planned as a commercial freighter in 1967. Intended as a replacement for the Antonov An-12, the Il-76 was designed for delivering heavy machinery to remote, poorly-serviced areas of the USSR. Military versions of the Il-76 have seen widespread use in Europe, Asia and Africa, including use as an airborne refueling tanker or as a command center.
The Il-76 has seen extensive service as a commercial freighter for ramp-delivered cargo, especially for outsized or heavy items unable to be otherwise carried. It has been used as emergency response transport for civilian evacuations and to deliver humanitarian/disaster relief aid around the world, especially to undeveloped areas due to its ability to operate from unpaved runways. A water-carrying version of the plane has been effective in fire-fighting. There is also a model used for zero-G training.
Design and development
The aircraft was first conceived by Ilyushin in 1967 to meet a requirement for a freighter able to carry a payload of 40 tons (88,000 lb) over a range of 5,000 km (2,700 nmi; 3,100 mi) in less than six hours, able to operate from short and unprepared airstrips, and capable of coping with the worst weather conditions likely to be experienced in Siberia and the Soviet Union’s Arctic regions. It was intended as a replacement for the An-12. Another intended version was a double-decked 250-passenger airliner but that project was cancelled. The Il-76 first flew on March 25, 1971.
Production of Il-76s was placed in Tashkent Aviation Production Association in Tashkent, Uzbekistan (then a republic of the Soviet Union). Some 860 of the basic transport variants were made.[4] In the 1990s, modernized variants were developed (MF, TF), with a cargo compartment 20 m long by 3.4 m wide by 3.4 m tall, but were not produced in significant quantity due to financial problems of the major user, the Russian Air Force. The prototype of the longer variant Il-76MF, with greater capacity, first flew on 1 August 1995. The production ceased around 1997, and the factory has since deteriorated.
Some commercial aircraft were modernized to the Il-76TD-90VD version, starting from 2004, using new PS-90 engines to meet European noise limits. In 2005, China ordered[clarification needed] in Russia 34 new Il-76MDs and 4 Il-78 tankers, and the factory in Tashkent produced 16 incomplete airframes. In 2004, A PLAAF (People’s Liberation Army Air Force) Il-76 carried out flight mission in Afghanistan, later in 2011, PLAAF Il-76s were sent to Libya to evacuate Chinese citizens. The two missions were reported first steps of PLAAF developing long-range transportation capacity.
Production of the Il-476 at a new production line at the Aviatstar factory in Ulyanovsk, in Russia, in cooperation with the Tashkent works, is under consideration.[4] The construction of two prototype IL-476s has begun at the Ulyanovk facility.
Operational history
USAF and IAF airmen work inside the cockpit of an Indian Il-76.
First aircraft were delivered to the Soviet Air Force in June 1974.[1] Next it became the main Soviet strategic transport aircraft. From 1976 it was operated by the Aeroflot lines.
Between 1979 and 1991, the Soviet Air Force Il-76s made 14,700 flights into Afghanistan, transporting 786,200 servicemen, and 315,800 tons of freight. The Il-76 carried 89% of Soviet troops and 74% of the freight that was airlifted.[10] As Afghan rebels were unable to shoot down high-flying Il-76s, their tactics were to try and damage it at take-off or landing. Il-76s were often hit by shoulder-launched Stinger and Strela heat-seeking missiles and large-calibre machine-gun fire, but because the strong airframes were able to take substantial damage and still remain operational, the aircraft had a remarkably low attrition rate during the period of conflict. Building on that experience, the bulk of the Canadian Forces equipment into Afghanistan is flown in using civilian Il-76. In 2006, the Russian Air Force had about 200 Il-76s. Civilian users in Russia have 108.
The Il-76 is also in use as an airborne tanker, otherwise known as a refueller (Il-78, some 50 were made[4]), and a waterbomber. Its airframe was used as a base for the Beriev A-50 ‘Mainstay’ AWACS aircraft (some 25 were made[4]). Still more applications have been found in Antarctic support flights and simulated weightlessness training for cosmonauts.[13] Beriev and NPO Almaz also developed an airborne laser flying laboratory

Palos Verdes Water Works reservoir above Palos Verdes Golf Course, Palos Verdes Estates.

Palos Verdes Water Works reservoir above Palos Verdes Golf Course, Palos Verdes Estates.
Bar Code

Photo Call Number


Palos Verdes Water Works reservoir above Palos Verdes Golf Course, Palos Verdes Estates.

Image shows elevated view of the Palos Verdes Water Works reservoir at the west end of the golf course. The reservoir, which was constructed of concrete and held 1,500,000 gallons of water, functioned as the main storage reservoir for the area. A eucalyptus grove and Santa Monica Bay are visible in distance. [For more information on the Palos Verdes water supply, consult the Palos Verdes Bulletin, May 1925, pp. 4-6.]

Date Built

Palos Verdes Golf Course (Palos Verdes Estates, Calif.)
Bird’s-eye views

Negative Number

Photo Size
7.25 x 9.25 in.

Photo Format
photographic print (b&w)

Photo Source
Palos Verdes Homes Association
